Its my first blog
it has been quite some time before i decided that i need to have my own blog. no, i am not a frequent blog reader. i never actually read any blog by purpose. but, i had to admit.... everytime i need to search for any information on the internet, frequently i get the answer from someone's blog writting.
so i figured out that blogging isn't just another internet trend... its a place for knowledge and experience sharing. while most of blogs that i came across was too dull... nothing more than just a daily clubbing, party-going, spoilt rich teenagers.... i decided that my blog should be about computers other than my thoughts and everyday life.
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so i figured out that blogging isn't just another internet trend... its a place for knowledge and experience sharing. while most of blogs that i came across was too dull... nothing more than just a daily clubbing, party-going, spoilt rich teenagers.... i decided that my blog should be about computers other than my thoughts and everyday life.
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